Ffxiv Dps Classes

Currently the best dps class is probably summoner, who rank highest for overall raid dps, and also bring a battle rez. Note that this changes pretty often as SE modifies classes every expac and patch.

  1. FFXIV CLASSES – RANGED MAGICAL DPS Step back from the action and use different kinds of magic to inflict massive damage against your foe. Ranged Magical DPS generally has limited movement as you.
  2. Flat dps is not that great, but when pairing dragoon with some strong team mates and a little synergy, the buffs dragoon brings to the table make's this class quite strong. However the flat line damage from this class can be low.


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If you're new to Final Fantasy XIV, you may be overwhelmed by all the different classes that lie ahead. There are many ways to explore, but where do we start? Choosing the right class is an important part for playing MMORPG games. In the case of Final Fantasy XIV, you can switch classes / jobs freely. So it's ok if you don't enjoy your first choice. However, certain classes make it easier to learn the game and each of the different roles. With that in mind, here are the best classes for beginners if you start with Final Fantasy XIV.

DPS - Pugilist, Archer & Thaumaturge / Arcanist

You have a few options when it comes to DPS (Damage Dealing) classes. There are three types of DPS: melee, physical range, and magic range. Therefore, your class choice should take this into account.

Ffxiv Dps Classes

The Archer class is a proven entry into the world of ranged DPS because it is light-footed and does serious damage with its arches. Those who want to get very close should look at Pugilist. This class focuses on punches and kicks and delivers fast punches with unmatched speed. The pugilist's core movements don't change too much during leveling, so you can learn the class slowly while playing. The pugilist advances to monk at level 30.

The physical range initially has only one choice: archer. Early stage archers are very easy to learn because you have few skills. Physical ranged classes do not rely on combos like melee classes, but on a priority system. For archers, this usually means that you decide when to use your skills over time, rather than those with direct damage. Archers become a more supportive bard at level 30.

Both magical ranged classes that are available to new players have their advantages. Thaumaturge is a very simple class for early leveling because you can just stand in place and cast the same spells until everything is destroyed. Meanwhile, Arcanist has a cute pet that follows you to cause damage. This means that you contribute to your group even if you don't understand your spells properly. Thaumaturg has access to the legendary Black Mage job at level 30, while Arcanists can damage both Summoners and Healing Scholars.

Both of the above-mentioned DPS jobs can be very complicated at higher levels, so players who want to try an easier magic job can try Red Mage once they reach level 50. This job is incredibly easy to learn and mixes in some melee attacks for extra flair. Red Mage is worth unlocking if you are advanced enough in the game, as it is nice to have a relaxed job creating endgame content.

Ffxiv Dps Classes

What makes this a great starting class?

  • Simple and easy to manage skill rotation

  • Ranged damage per second means you can do high damage while out of range of the enemy

  • While there will be longer waiting times, the compromise for playing DPS in dungeons is less. Just keep up your damage, dodge AoEs and you're golden.

Healer - Conjurer

This is another easy choice as the other healing jobs are only unlocked at higher levels. The Conjurer class uses the power of the elements of nature and offers a direct entry into the world of healing. Conjurer has the simplest kit of all healers, which focuses on strong direct healing spells and brings a dash of healing over time. The latest additions to XIV have made learning a healing class even easier. As long as you read your spell descriptions, keeping people alive in dungeons is a snap.

Ffxiv Dps Classes

What makes this a great starting class?

  • No additional mechanics - the simple rotation of the summoner focuses solely on healing and damage

  • Reliable AoE healing, balanced with the best single target DPS for a healing class

  • Although not as fast as tanks, healers are also quickly picked up for guild remains and dungeons

Ffxiv Dps Classes Ranked

Tank - Gladiator

Both starting classes for tanks are good choices for beginners, but Gladiator is still the easiest to learn. The gladiator class with the classic swords and shields is a balanced introduction to refueling. Nothing says more about 'tanks' than a large shield, and Gladiator's pool of pinpoint defense skills makes survival a breeze. Shadowbringers, the latest addition to FF XIV, also gave Gladiator a basic AoE combination, so their damage against groups of enemies is much better than before.

What makes this a great starting class?

Dps Classes For Ffxiv

  • A simple, easy-to-follow combat and defense rotation

  • More stable and reliable HP and defense compared to other tank classes

  • Tanks get the fastest waiting times for guild hists and dungeons, which makes leveling a lot easier

For more information on the classes and jobs available in Final Fantasy XIV, G4mmo has an official job guide detailing their skills and gimmicks. However, the best way to learn is to just try out a class that looks interesting to you. So make sure you give the entire class schedule a look.