Mass Effect 2 Head Morphs

  1. Mass Effect 2 Head Morphs Download
  2. Mass Effect 2 Male Shepard Head Morph
  3. Mass Effect 2 Head Morphs Vs
  4. Mass Effect 2 Head Morphs Biceps

Gibbed's save editor for mass effect 2! Easy to use and enjoy! This save editor can edit your character, resources paragon/renegade points name credits etc.! This save editor can also edit mass effect 1 events and add squad members and complete their. The Head Morph is “stored” in your ME2 or ME3 save games. You can alter you FemShep face by altering the variables of the Head Morph in Gibbed. But that’s not really easy and there is a lot of learning to do if you are not familiar with the program. Now, I found a free 'Mass Effect Races' morph pack, with various sliders for various races - some more drastic morphs than others. I've also played with various Monster packs, some ranging from altered ears and eyes to complete head / body re-shaping.

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How to open ME2HEADMORPH file?

After double-clicking on the unknown file icon, the system should open it in the default software that supports it. If this does not happen, download and install the Mass Effect 2 software and then manually associate the file with it.

Step 1. Download and install Mass Effect 2


If there is no Mass Effect 2 or similar software in the system that supports files with the ME2HEADMORPH extension, you must first download and install it. Below you will find a list of the most-used applications that work with ME2HEADMORPH. After going to the subpage of the program you will find a link to the developer's website, where you can safely download the software installer.

Programs that open files ME2HEADMORPH

Step 2. Associate Mass Effect 2 with the ME2HEADMORPH file extension

If the user already has one of the applications installed, the next step will be to associate it with the file extension ME2HEADMORPH. This can be done in two ways - one is to manually edit the Windows Registry and HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT keys. The second way is simpler and definitely recommended for less advanced users.

  • Right click on the unknown ME2HEADMORPH file you want to open
  • Select 'Open with' from the menu
  • Click 'Choose another application'
  • Click 'More applications'
  • Click 'Find more applications on this PC' and indicate the installation location of the appropriate program
  • Finally, select the 'Always use the selected program to open ME2HEADMORPH files' option and confirm the whole operation.

Remember! Manually editing the system registry is only recommended for advanced users, and changes made to it without proper knowledge may result in damage to the system.

Step 3. Check out other possible problems related to ME2HEADMORPH files.

Sometimes it happens that despite having the right application and the correct configuration, there are still problems with opening the ME2HEADMORPH files. You should then find out what is the reason of the problem.

  • Check if the ME2HEADMORPH file is not infected - When the file ME2HEADMORPH is infected with a virus or malware, it probably will not be able to be opened correctly. In this case, scan the ME2HEADMORPH file and take the actions recommended by the antivirus program installed on the system. Most often it is disinfection or deletion of an infected file.
  • Check if you, as the operating system user, have appropriate permissions to work with the file ME2HEADMORPH
  • Check if the icon is an element of the correct file but not only a shortcut to the location where the ME2HEADMORPH file no longer exists.
  • Check that the system has the necessary resources to run the Mass Effect 2 application and open the ME2HEADMORPH file.
  • Check if the file is complete - Sometimes it happens that the ME2HEADMORPH file was not copied completely from the external Flash memory, or downloaded from the Internet. When the file is incomplete, it is not possible to open it correctly. In this case, please download or copy the file ME2HEADMORPH again.

Step 4. Contact an IT expert

When all of the above methods have failed, it remains to contact an IT specialist or developers of the MASS EFFECT 2 program.

File extensions similar to ME2HEADMORPH

Mass Effect 2 Head Morphs

Eye Color Codes For Mass Effect 2

What Tool To Use

Gibbed Save Editor for Mass Effect 2

Download the most recent version from here: Gibbed Save Editor ME2

This tool does not edit the coalesced.ini file. It only edits a selected save file from your game. You use this tool to change the appearance of your Shepard, add talent points, credits, and even change plot point resolutions.

See full instructions on how to install this here.

Faces of Gaming also has a pretty great list of codes (not just eyes). Check it out here.

Iris Color Customization:

See the code and the image side-by-side

A compiled list of iris color codes for Gibbed Save Editor (ME2) along with a corresponding image of what the color looks like.

To get to the values go to:
Raw > [+] Player > [+] Appearance > [+] Morph Head > Vector Parameters > (Collection)[…] > EYE_Iris_Colour_Vector

Note: I’d recommend saving the values in a text document in case you want to restore it.

In case you were wondering, these codes DO work in most part for Mass Effect 3. You just have to add the code into the ME3 Gibbed Save Editor – Guide here.

Steel Grey
0.9, 0.9, 0.9, 1

Sea Blue
0, 0.6, 0.9, 1

Olive Grey
0.2, 0.3, 0.4, 1

Slate Grey
0.4, 0.4, 0.3, 1

Purple (Light)
1, 1, 6, 1

Mass Effect 2 Head Morphs Download

Purple Grey
1, 1, 2, 1

Mass Effect 2 Male Shepard Head Morph

White (Glowing)
10, 10, 10, 1

Mass Effect 2 Head Morphs Vs

Light Brown
.6, .4, .3, 1

Mass Effect 2 Head Morphs Biceps

This list is still being worked on, and is just me messing around with the numbers. This way I don’t have to try to remember what I liked or didn’t like, I can just refer back here.

If you have colors you’d like me to add to this list, contact me with the code (and screenshot if you have it).